Achieving Inclusion and Diversity in Christchurch: A Path to a More Just and Responsive Community

Christchurch is a city that values its diversity and strives to create a more inclusive environment for all its citizens. A diverse workforce and inclusive practices are essential for achieving justice and responsiveness, as well as engaging more effectively with the communities we serve. Not only is inclusion the right thing to do, but it also makes good business sense. It brings different perspectives to the table, allowing us to come up with innovative solutions and creative ideas that can lead to the best results.

KPMG is part of the Accessibility Tick program, which helps New Zealand organizations become more accessible and inclusive to people with disabilities. Public sector agencies should collaborate more closely with local communities and community agencies to provide programs that promote belonging and well-being, as well as address violence, disconnection, and stigmatization. Religious communities can also do more to increase knowledge of their religious values and practices, reduce prejudice in society at large, and ensure their active participation in the activities of New Zealand communities. It is important to note that some communities in New Zealand experience harmful attitudes or behaviors that make them feel less included or valued.

To prevent such an atrocity from happening again, it is recommended to increase the national inclusion of ethnic and religious groups, especially Muslims, in New Zealand. To achieve this goal, it is suggested to change social and cultural perspectives to support a more diverse New Zealand. One proposal is to create a new Ministry of Ethnic Communities that would administer a New Zealand multicultural policy that would bring together all the multicultural resources currently used by the agencies. Another suggestion is to create a new Ministry of Inclusion that could bring together New Zealand Immigration (part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) and the Office of Ethnic Communities, which would house the Human Rights Commission as an independent entity. In order for Christchurch to become a truly just and responsive community, it is essential that we take steps towards achieving greater inclusion and diversity.

This can be done by collaborating with local communities and community agencies to provide programs that promote belonging and well-being, as well as by changing social and cultural perspectives to support a more diverse New Zealand. By doing so, we can ensure that all citizens are treated equally and with respect.

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